A blog is an online diary/journal. It is a personal log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog or a Web log. Blogs can be regarded as personal Web sites, often reflecting the personality of the author.
• Blog = Diary + Log
We record personal opinions and feelings in a diary. We record all the happenings in a log. A blog has both these characteristics. That is the reason bloggers try to keep a blog up to date by writing into it in a systematic or regular manner. Postings on a blog are almost always arranged in chronological order with the most recent additions featured most prominently.
• Blogging » Blogger
The activity of updating a blog is called blogging. The person doing this act is called a blogger.
• Posting
Blogger is a term used to mean all the activities in relation to a blog. The specific activity of writing or entering content into the blog is called posting. The content of the posts takes different forms like text, images, audio or video.
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