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05 julio 2012

Blog Title

When we see a blog displayed in a browser, we see a few words displayed in large text (generally at the top of the web page) indicating the content within the blog. This forms the visual identity to the blog and is called its title. It is a expression of the content within your blog in brief.

Wherever a mention of your blog appears (within and, the title text would form the identity for your blog. Title is like a heading for the blog. Thus, use Title Case (Capital Letters for the First Letter of each word) for a better looking title.

The text that you enter in the text box with the label "Blog Title" to its left, would appear as the title for your blog.

• How Long can the Title be?
The text box (a control in a web form) may have a restriction with regard to the maximum number of characters that can be entered in it as well as the kind of characters that can be entered in it. In the above web form, the text box control for entering "Blog Title" has a maximum 50 characters (with spaces) limitation.
However the form on the web page that allows you to modify the title text for your blog has a maximum of 90 characters (with spaces) limitation. If you want a title longer than 50 characters, use a shorter one here and then modify it to the one you want later on by changing the settings relating to the blog.

However, in setting a title for your blog you should also consider the final format in which the title is displayed on your blog.

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