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10 julio 2012

Hanso Player 1.8.0 Free Downlaod

Hanso Player 1.8.0
If you are passionate music lover and you are keeping your large music collection on your computer than you will certainly need an program that will play all your favorite songs with high quality. Hanso Player is designed to deliver highest possible quality of played music and sound on your computer.
Hanso Player is a high quality software and it can be downloaded for free from this blog.
This audio player comes with core that is powered with SQL database engine and you will be able to play all the most popular formats like: MP3, WAV, WMA, MP4, MPC, OGG, FLAC and many other. With this application you will be getting much more than a just simple audio player, this is the way to deliver much higher level of music listening.
Function like “Dynamic playlist” will randomize playback of tracks and will completely automatically learn from you by the way you are playing your music. All your playlist’s will be well organized and you will also be able to rearrange the order of the songs the way you like.

With Hanso Player you can easily access a rich info database which allows you to find details about the song you are listening to (internet access required). Additionally, the software comes with a built-in online-radio function to help you discover new artists.
Simple and clean user interface and great features that Hanso Player delivers makes this application one of the best choices on the market. The way you can create and manage your playlist’s is certainly one of the advantages that this app brings. Overall if you need an audio player with advanced features you will not make any mistakes if you choose Hanso Player.

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