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05 julio 2012

Blog URL

Every blog is a web page. Every web page that is accessible on a computer connected to the internet has a unique identity. The URI/URL is the blogs unique identity that enables the computers on the internet access it. No two web pages will have the same identity. Two or more blogs may have the same title, but not the same URI/URL.
Thus, a web page's technical identity is what we call a URI (Universal Resource Indicator). In most cases URI and URL (Uniform Resource Locator) are synonymously used, though they are different.
Eg: [This total address of a web page can be called a URI.]
However, if you consider only "" we can call it only a URL.

For the present just understand that all URL's are URI's.

• URL » Your Blogs Web Address
For passing on information relating to your blog to others, you give them your blog's URL/URI. This is the address that a reader types into the address bar of the web browser to access your blog.
Your url would look something like "". The "__" being a combination of characters, letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen with the limitation that "the combination that you use" is not in use already by someone else using to host their blog. The url should start with a character or a number.

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