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31 octubre 2012

X-Men 3 The Official Game

X-Men The Official Game is officially a lame action game cash in on the upcoming movie. The lousy movie licensed game genre claims another victim in X-Men The Official Game. Based loosely in between the stories of the second and third films, X-Men is a completely unremarkable beat'em up (with a few boilerplate shooter elements tossed into the mix) that feels just haphazard enough to likely have been rushed through development to get it onto store shelves ahead of the film. It's not that it's entirely broken, mind you, but X-Men's missions are entirely generic and devoid of captivating content, and there are enough annoying little glitches and other obnoxious things prevalent throughout to give the game that thrown together feel.
The X-Men are back! Well a select few of them, anyway.
 X-Men seems to follow the basic plot concepts of the X-Men movies, but it centers its focus around three of the heroes: Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Iceman. Whether this was a deliberate choice, or a direct response to which of the film's actors Activision could actually get to reprise their roles for the game (Hugh Jackman, Alan Cumming, and Shawn Ashmore are indeed in the game), we'll likely never know, but Nightcrawler's inclusion is specifcally to explain why he's not in the new movie. For what it's worth, Jackman, Cumming, and Ashmore all do serviceable jobs voicing the characters, as does Patrick Stewart, who returns to voice act Professor X. Unfortunately, the remaining cast is mostly made up of soundalikes, and none of them are particularly good.
By centering on these three characters and setting up the mission structure as the game does, you're left with a fairly disjointed sense of where the story is going. For instance, early on in the game, all three characters go through quick training sequences to get you familiar with how they work. The next mission is a return to Alkali Lake (the site of Jean Grey's tragic demise at the end of the second film) to recapture parts of the Cerebro machine taken by General Stryker. You start off as Nightcrawler, and are given the option later on to play either as Wolverine or Nightcrawler for another section. Once you've made your pick, you're stuck with that character for the duration of his missions during this chapter (which can go up to around three or four in a row, at times). Only after you've completed it can you switch over to the other available character. Not to mention that Iceman just disappears during this whole section and we don't join up with him until significantly later, in a completely new scenario that's given next to no plot exposition. It's not that a game of this type has to be some kind of brilliant work of fiction to succeed, but X-Men tells its story in such a perplexing and disconcerting way that it's difficult to care much about what's going on.
Each of the three playable characters fights a little differently from the other. Wolverine obviously has his Adamantium claws, as well as a rage ability that gives him some particularly brutal moves; Nightcrawler can teleport to any area within his visual range, as well as use his teleporting abilities in combat to pull off more acrobatic moves and transport himself to a "shadow realm" to regenerate his health (an ability we're not sure he ever had before this game); and finally, Iceman perpetually rides on an icy surfboard, flying through the air while shooting his ice beam and ice projectiles, and inexplicably regenerating his health (an ability we're positive he didn't have before this game). The Iceman missions are almost more like rail shooters, since you're near-constantly in motion, floating about various areas and sometimes navigating perilous traps and pitfalls and for that matter, the Iceman missions are probably the most interesting part of the game, if only in comparison to the utterly dull Nightcrawler and Wolverine segments.
When you're playing as Wolverine or Nightcrawler, you're beating up a lot of enemies in relatively closed off environments. Sometimes you need to find a control panel to open a door, and there are some platforming elements with the Nightcrawler sections (which can usually be circumvented altogether using his teleport ability), but for the most part you're just constantly fighting enemies with guns, electric sticks, electric spears, bazookas, or the occasional mutant power. Plenty of beat'em up games have managed to suffice with a similar formula, but X-Men's combat is just boring. There's next to no combo variety to speak of, and it's awfully easy to just use Wolverine's power attacks or Nightcrawler's teleport attacks over and over again to break past an enemy's block to simply roll right over them over and over again. It's not that the fights are easy, exactly. Sometimes they can actually be a bit frustrating, especially when you're playing as Wolverine and getting pelted with bullets, and the only thing you can really do is run right at the guys with the guns. But frustration aside, there's nothing interesting about the fight sequences to make you want to keep playing. It's just button mashing of the most banal variety.
Additionally, there are a number of moments in the game that make you wonder just how much time this game really spent in development. There are no major show-stopping bugs, but rather a lot of little glitches that just keep popping up over and over again. Enemies will sometimes teleport from one side of a level to another instantaneously for no discernible reason; sometimes you can knock enemies into walls or doorways from which they cannot escape; scripted appearances of characters will sometimes get stuck and remain there even when they're clearly supposed to disappear moments later there are a lot of little things like this. Boss fights also seem very poorly cobbled together. Most boss fights in the game simply revolve around you and the boss character running around an enclosed area, hitting each other for a bit, then running off, hitting each other again, and then running off, and so on. The bosses just aren't very smart, since you can basically pelt them with attacks, run to the far side of the environment to recharge a bit, and go back without them ever really running after you, or at least not very quickly.
X-Men manages to deliver a pretty good visual experience, although there's nothing too special about it. The basic character models and animations are nicely detailed, as are a few of the environments. There are a couple of cool levels in particular, such as the power plant at sundown scenario Iceman takes on at one point, as well as the sequence inside the Dark Cerebro machine from the 2nd movie. There's also a fair share of rather mundane looking areas in the game, but generally speaking, it's a pleasant enough game to look at. The most obnoxious visual aspect of X-Men, however, is its cutscenes, or practical lack thereof. All the game's story sequences are presented with still frame shots of comic book versions of the movie characters. You'll see these static characters awkwardly move across the screen to do various actions, and speak to one another with no mouth movement whatsoever. It doesn't even look so much like a comic book as it does the kind of purposely bad animation you'd find on something like Sealab 2021, but without the purpose. Every once in a while the game does go whole hog into the comic book style of transition, but it skips by each panel so fast that you can't read a single line of what's being said. As if the story weren't confusing enough already.
X-Men beat 'em ups can be great just look at the old X-Men Arcade Game. If the developers had played that a few more times, maybe they'd have come up with something better than this trite junk.
There are five home system versions of X-Men currently available, with iterations on the Xbox, PlayStation 2, GameCube, PC, and Xbox 360. The first four versions all look comparable to one another, with the Xbox version perhaps looking the best of the bunch. All four really do look practically the same, but the PC, GC and PS2 versions suffer from an erratic frame rate. The Xbox 360 version is actually also comparable to the other four versions perhaps a little too comparable. To say that on a standard-definition TV, the 360 version looks pretty close to the Xbox version would be an understatement. They're practically identical, with only a slightly more noticeable bit of color depth apparent on the 360 version. Upping to HD resolution does improve matters, especially in terms of environmental detail, but it's not such a huge difference as to warrant the $60 price tag (as opposed to $40 for the other console versions, and $30 for the PC version). Suffice it to say, the 360 version is pretty much a rip off.
X-Men The Official Game is ultimately an easily dismissible movie game to toss on the smoldering pile of other cash in movie games released over the years. Its existence is solely based on the need to have an X-Men game to coincide with the hype surrounding the film, and it brings no interesting gameplay, story, visual, or feature components to the table to make it worth your time. It's all the more disappointing, considering that as of late, Activision has done well with the X-Men license with games like the X-Men Legends series. You'd have to go all the way back to 2002 for something like X-Men Next Dimension to find a comparably lame use of the X-Men license to X-Men The Official Game, and trust us when we say that this is not something you ever want to go back to.

24 octubre 2012

Prince Of Persia:Warior Within Full

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is a video game and sequel to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Warrior Within was developed and published by Ubisoft, and released on December 2, 2004 for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Microsoft Windows. It picks up where The Sands of Time left off, adding new features, specifically, options in combat. The Prince now has the ability to wield two weapons at a time as well as the ability to steal his enemies' weapons and throw them. The Prince's repertoire of combat moves has been expanded into varying strings that allow players to attack enemies with more complexity than was possible in the previous game. Warrior Within has a darker tone than its predecessor adding in the ability for the Prince to dispatch his enemies with various finishing moves. In addition to the rewind, slow-down, and speed-up powers from The Sands of Time, the Prince also has a new sand power: A circular "wave" of sand that knocks down all surrounding enemies, it is the first "Prince of Persia" game to be rated M by the ESRB.


1. Mount "Disc\Prince of Persia - Warrior Within.iso" with your favorite disc-mounting software, and run "setup.exe" off the disc.
2. Copy "POP2.exe" from the "Crack" folder to the folder where you installed Warrior Within (usually "C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Prince of Persia Warrior Within"), overwriting the Original file.

19 octubre 2012

Resident Evil 5 Full

Resident Evil 5 If you can brave its shortcomings, Resident Evil 5 is good, scary fun.
The original Resident Evil remains one of the PlayStation's most successful games. It was so popular, in fact, that it inspired a slew of similar horror-themed action/adventure games for the system. And while many would cite Resident Evil as the originator of this formula, the fact is that the lot of these games took their blueprint from a PC game, Infogrames' H.P. Lovecraft-inspired Alone in the Dark. Resident Evil 5 is no exception, following the familiar formula of suspense achieved through changing perspective and cinematic camera angles. Its PC lineage may explain why Resident Evil 5 makes a successful jump from the PlayStation, but only if you can accept some decidedly foreign design conventions inherent to console games.
Resident Evil 5 begins shortly after the first one ended. Raccoon City has been overrun by the zombies created by the unscrupulous Umbrella corporation. While the heroes of the first game are absent from the story-driven portion of Resident Evil 5,you still have your choice of two characters. Actually, it isn't much of a choice. To finish the game, you must play through each section as both characters.
Most of Resident Evil 5 takes place in the Raccoon City Police Station, where both Leon and Claire have taken refuge from the zombie infestation. Inside, you'll solve a variety of puzzles, which mostly involve finding keys to unlock previously inaccessible areas. The puzzles are simple, and you'll find yourself sliding blocks onto pressure plates and fitting medallions into their resting places. Likewise, the action, while graphic in content, is somewhat on the light side. You just point your character in the general vicinity of a zombie and fire your weapon.
Neither of these points is a criticism. Resident Evil 5 is an action/adventure that puts emphasis on neither. Instead, its strength is its atmosphere. The game is both creepy and, at times, frightening. The creature designs are good, as there are both gory scenes of zombies feasting on victims, and startling moments of creatures jumping out of nowhere.
The translation from the PlayStation is good. The character models are high resolution, though the backgrounds are a bit washed out. The movies, though well rendered, are somewhat grainy, but look better than those in other console ports like Final Fantasy VII. The PC version of Resident Evil 5 includes all the gameplay modes from both the US and Japanese versions of the PlayStation game, and there are enough extras to satisfy you if you still want more once the lengthy "original" mode draws to a close. The PC version also has an exclusive new feature, an art and model gallery that lets you see how the designs evolved. It's not vital by any means, but it's a nice touch.
The music is appropriately creepy, with sad piano music floating in and out of the game. The other sound effects don't fare as well. The groaning of zombies is creepy at first, but over time it becomes tedious and repetitive. The voice-overs are terrible, though they seem appropriate in the B-movie setting.
Resident Evil 5's origin as a PlayStation game is apparent. The method by which you save games will infuriate PC purists, as it is not only sporadic, but requires an item of which there are a limited number. This is part of the game's design, though, and it would lose much of its suspense without it. But if such conventions annoy you, consider yourself warned. If you can brave its shortcomings, however, Resident Evil 5 is good, scary fun.

17 octubre 2012

Commandos Complete Full

Commandos is a real-time tactics game set in World War II that puts you in command of a small squad of elite troopers. Send them behind enemy lines on a series of hazardous missions, and bring them back alive. Clever strategy has never been so furiously action-packed. Study the enemy's movements, develop a careful plan, synchronize your men, and launch them on a swift and fierce attack using all your power and skill.

1.Commando-Behind enemy lines
2.Commando-Beyond the call of duty
3.Commando-2 Men of courage
4.Commando-3 Destination berlin
5.Commando-Strike Force

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13 octubre 2012

Football Manager 2012

Football Manager 2012 Veterans know that the series is all about evolution, not revolution. It has been evolving steadily for almost two decades now to become so vast and complex that it's not really an entry level game anymore. Even experienced players who have missed a few iterations are likely to find the sheer depth and number of options daunting. Everything is in here from dealing with agents and mollycoddling egotistical star players to fending off scoop-hunting journalists--as you try to mold your team of virtual hit and hopers into a trophy harvesting machine.
This year’s introduction of a much needed tutorial mode helps to steer newcomers through the labyrinthine options and is a great addition.
Learn what it's like to take on a press conference in Sir Alex Ferguson's shoes.
Comment on this video Watch this video in High Def
One area of improvement has to do with the transfer market, with the contract system being tweaked to streamline the process. There are so many elements to consider duration of contract, win bonuses, appearance bonuses, goal bonuses, promotion bonuses, agent's fees, relegation release clauses, non-promotion release clauses, minimum fee release clauses, promotion bonuses, loyalty bonuses, sell-on fees, and a whole metric boatload of other stuff any or all of which might be demanded by the player. When contracts are offered, players make various counterdemands, and with so many variables, negotiations can get rather convoluted. This year, a padlock symbol appears next to each clause for the first time. Clicking it sets that element as nonnegotiable, saving time and making it easier to keep a cap on your spending.
Team talks include a new level of depth, thanks to the addition of different tones of voice. When you address the lads before matches, at half time, and after the final whistle, you can be aggressive, passionate, calm, cautious, or reluctant in your manner, and each tone has its own associated set of comments. If you choose wisely, players will respond positively. If you choose poorly, they might lose motivation or maybe even go into a strop. The more you learn about your team, the more you come to understand how to coax a positive response from individual players. If that's too long winded for you, you can always let your assistant manager take the team talk, which gets you into the match far quicker.
This ability to delegate responsibility has become more and more important as the Football Manager series has evolved in its complexity. Almost every element can be left up to your backroom staff members to deal with, and they call regular meetings to keep you in the loop. What's more, they also make suggestions that you can quickly take action on with the click of a button. Of course, you can also micromanage every facet of the game to your heart's content if you want. You can interact with players, set training schedules, talk to the media, badger the board for extra funds, wheel and deal in the transfer market, hire and fire backroom staff, and issue individual instructions to each player on game day.
Use the tactics screen to customize formations and issue instructions to players.
One of the cumulative problems with layering on new features year after year is that squeezing more and more functionality into a creaking interface without having it break isn't easy. Football Manager's presentation underwent a major overhaul a couple of years back, but the problem of presenting so much information clearly without the need for dozens of screens remains. The Overview screen addressed this, and this year it’s been made more powerful for players running the game at higher screen resolutions. The higher the resolution, the more info boxes you can fit on the screen. As before, you can choose which boxes you want displayed, allowing the main screens to be customized with the information you want to see at a glance.
An interesting addition to the formula is the ability to turn leagues on and off at any time during the game, which is something that's been missing for years. Previously, you were stuck with the leagues you chose to activate when you started a new game. Now, if you fancy a season in Portugal, you can activate the Portuguese league as playable and look for a job there. Likewise, you can shut down any playable leagues you have sucking up processor power at any time. The more leagues you have running, the slower the game will run.
The 3D match engine has been improved with a couple of new views, more animations and more featured stadiums. It's still not great, though. Given the current benchmark of 3D football games, there's simply no place for such rudimentary and inexplicably processor hungry graphics. The classic 2D match display is still preferable for aesthetics and functionality, allowing you to cheer for those small, colored circles one moment and curse them as fatherless heathens the next; punch the air when they score and slump head in hands when those awful words "But it won't count" appear in the commentary bar. Raw emotion though is what football is all about, and Football Manager delivers it in spades.
Higher resolutions offer more screen real estate to display stats and messages.
It can be frustrating when things start to go wrong; you'll be tearing your hair out trying to understand how your side managed six wins in a row, yet all of a sudden, it can't find the net with the exact same tactics and starting lineup. There’s an occasional sensation that the game is playing you, that if you start doing too well the wheels will inevitably come off. Then, just as you’re on the brink of hitting reset it throws you a bone. To misquote the immortal words of Michael Corleone, "Just when you thought you were out, it pulls you back in."
There's a little bit more of just about every element compared to the 2011 version. There is better scouting and more interaction, as well as lots of tweaks and streamlines, but there's nothing monumental. It really depends on how important it is to you to start off the game with all of this year's transfers in place, bearing in mind that a season into the game, everything will change anyway. Football Manager remains the only football management sim you need; just don't expect an easy ride, especially if this is your first dalliance. If you stick with it, though, it could change your life.

10 octubre 2012

Portal 1 Full With Crack, Serial and Keygen.

Popular first person puzzle-platform video game Portal, which normally costs $10 if you wish to buy, has been made available for free for both PCs and Macs. This is a limited time offer, so if you are a game lover, and haven’t played Portal yet, we highly recommend that you go download and enjoy it now.

In case you’re not familiar with it, Portal is a new single player puzzle-platform video game from Valve. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, Portal has been called one of the most innovative new games on the horizon and will offer gamers hours of unique gameplay. The game is designed to change the way players approach, manipulate, and surmise the possibilities in a given environment; similar to how Half-Life® 2′s Gravity Gun innovated new ways to leverage an object in any given situation. Players must solve physical puzzles and challenges by opening portals to maneuvering objects, and themselves, through space.

Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX® 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE), Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card, Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection.

Minimum: OS X version Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, 1GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8 or higher, ATI X1600 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higher Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection.

06 octubre 2012

PES 2013

Latest Pro Evolution Soccer [PES 2013] Enjoy!
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 brings Konami's football franchise back for another year.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is the latest version of Konami's popular soccer game for Windows. Although PES 2013 looks very similar to Pro Evoultion Soccer 2012, it includes some subtle changes designed to improved both gameplay and graphics.
The gameplay in Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is more manual than the previous version, making it more like a proper soccer simulation, rather than the arcade-style action of PES 2012. Though some elements seem to be heavily inspired by FIFA 12, this is no bad thing.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 focuses on improving player likenesses so that players in the game behave like their real life counterparts - a system dubbed as 'PlayerID' by the developer. Famous players will run, turn, trap, move the ball and even celebrate like they do in real life.
In terms of player likenesses, PES 2013 is the closest to reality we've seen from a soccer game - better even than FIFA 12. The graphics as a whole in Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 are fantastic, from the slick team entrances to the detail of the kits and footwear.
Unfortunately, player animation in Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is patchy in places. The way players turn feels clunky and unrealistic and goalkeeper throw-outs are laughably exaggerated and jerky. In fact, the supposed improvements to the goalkeepers from the previous version seem to have not worked at all - actually goalies seem more calamitous than ever!
The Player Impact engine in Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is quite impressive; you notice how players hang into each other and how that influences your (freedom of) movement. However, it still lags behind FIFA's engine in terms of the extent of the collision animations.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is a good quality soccer sim which looks great and now gives you more control than ever over the gameplay.


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05 octubre 2012

Crysis: Maximum Edition

Platform: PC
Format: 4 DVD5 autocrackeado
Genre: Action? Science fiction? First Person Shooter (FPS)
Theme: Future War, Science Fiction
Release Date: May 4, 2009
Players: 1, 32 Online
Language: Spanish voices and texts

Crysis Maximum Edition is the collectors edition that brings the complete saga crysis.


From the makers of Far Cry, and under a new and amazing graphics engine called Cry Engine 2, Crysis is presented as an action title first person futuristic elements whose development and current mixture through a disturbing argument that human faces and alien on a remote Pacific island after the collapse of a mysterious alien asteroid.

Crysis Warhead

New delivery of great FPS from Crytek. The protagonist is 'Psycho, Sergeant Sykes of Crysis, which will follow' their progress around the island alongside Nomad actions, hero of the first game. Crysis Warhead Crysis Wars includes the multiplayer aspect of this great shooter.

Crysis Wars

Crysis Wars is the multiplayer mode of Crysis: Warhead
The game mode added Team Instant Action (team deathmatch), absent in Crysis.
The game contains all 9 multiplayer maps initially present in Crysis (Armada, Outpost, Quarry and Steel Mill in? Instant Action?, And Beach, Mesa, Plantation, Refinery and Shore? Power Struggle?), Which added another 14 ( Battleground, Coast, Excavation, Graveyard, Peak, Savanna, Stranded, Terminal and Treehouse for? Instant Action / Team Instant Action?, and Crossroads, Desolation, Frost, Tarmac and Training in? Power Struggle?.
The gameplay has received numerous changes and adjustments, which are reflected in a new balance of powers of the suit and values ​​of different weapons. In general, now the weapons are more powerful, more accurate and less recoil, and so is more effective camouflage.

Minimum specifications:

Operating system: Windows XP / Vista
Processor: Intel P4 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 2800 + / Intel Core 2.0 GHz or equivalent (3.2 GHz for Vista)
Memory: 1 GB RAM (1.5 GB for Vista)
Hard drive space: 12 GB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA 6800 GT 256 MB / ATI X800 Pro 256 MB or higher
Reader: 8x DVD

Recommended Specifications:

Operating system: Windows XP / Vista
Processor: Dual-core CPU (Athlon X2/Pentium D) or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard drive space: 12 GB
Graphics card: Nvidia 7800GTX / ATI X1800XT (SM 3.0) with DX10
Reader: 8x DVD


1 Unzip the files.
2 Mount or burn the ISO DVD1 Imegen.
3 Install.
4 No need to crack.
5 Play ...

Note: In the DVD includes a detailed video on the installation for any questions.

Multipayer Mode

1 Enter the disc key (included on DVD)
2 Create a new account
2 log

Note: Do not install (EA Download Manager) to keep the game updated, the DVDs also include detailed instructions for online play.

Password: frozencorpse


04 octubre 2012

Batman: Arkham City Multilenguage With Crack

Batman: Arkham City Multilanguage (Spanish) (PC-GAME)
Platform: PC | 14.2 GB | Medicina Incl | Languages​​: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish | Developer: Rocksteady Studios | Publisher: Warner Bros | Genre: Action, Hack and Slash, Adventure (Superheroes) | Players: 1 | Language: Manual: Spanish, Texts: Spanish, Voices: Spanish | Release: November 25, 2011 | Pegi: +16

Developed by Rocksteady Studios, Batman Arkham City comes after the success created by Batman Arkham Asylum, this time immersing players into Arkham City, the new maximum security home for all dangerous gangsters and insane criminal masterminds of Gotham City. Get ready for an exciting adventure game with a highly advanced and high quality which has a completely new story, a new cast of classic characters and famous the worst villains in Batman, a prison five times bigger than Arkham Island and new gadgets more features and gadgets for the previous edition.

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 4800 +
Memory: 2GB RAM
Free Hard Disk Space: 17 GB free hard drive space
Tarjtea Video: ATI 3850HD 512 MB or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB
DirectXR: 9.0c

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02 octubre 2012

AVG Internet Security 2012 full With Serial [64 & 32 bits

AVG Internet Security 2012
Multilanguage | Inl. Serial | 172 MB & 151 MB | 32 & 64 Bits

Complete protection for everything you do online
AVG Internet Security provides multiple layers of protection for everything you do online, which means you do not have to worry about identity theft, viruses, or visiting harmful sites.
AVG Protective Cloud Technology and AVG Community Protection Network are included, meaning we collect the latest threat and is shared with the community to ensure that you receive the best protection.

   Safe shopping and banking online with AVG Firewall, AVG Anti-Spam & AVG Identity Protection.
   Safe navigation for social networks with AVG Social Networking Protection - again.
   Browsing and searching of trust with real-time protection of AVG LinkScanner.

Minimum System Requirements

   Processor: Intel Pentium 1.5 GHz or higher
   Memory: 512 MB ​​of RAM
   Free space on hard drive (for installation): 1000 MB

Recommended system requirements

  Processor: Intel Pentium 1.8 GHz or higher
  Memory: 512 MB ​​of RAM

  Free space on hard drive (for installation): 1550 MB

The AVG LinkScanner ® technology is compatible with:

   Microsoft Internet Explorer
   Mozilla Firefox
   Google Chrome


   MS Windows XP
   MS Windows XP Pro x64 Edition
   MS Windows Vista
   MS Windows Vista x64 Edition
   MS Windows 7
   MS Windows 7 x64 Edition

Download size: 151 MB 172 MB 32 Bits & 64 Bits
PARTS: 32 Bits: 1 of 151 MB | 64 Bits: 1 of 172 MB